Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Josephine Beauharnais Essay

Behind every great man lies an even greater woman. The woman adds character to the man and also affects his actions and morals. The story of Napoleon Bonaparte would be incomplete without consideration of his first wife, Josephine. She contributed so much to his development and passion because of her influence. This greatly impacted his leadership, military victories, and and was an inspiration behind the Napoleonic Code. Therefore without Josephine’s influence, Napoleon would not have become who he was. To understand Napoleon one must first understand Josephine Bonaparte’s history. Marie was the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.She was a popular Empress and had many defining characteristics which helped to shape her life. Josephine had a great impact on Napoleon’s emotions which affected the decisions and actions that he made directly and indirectly. (PBS; Napoleon and Josephine, She made him feel secure, provided him with emotional support, and gave him confidence which ultimately had a bearing on his decisions and actions. (PBS; Napoleon and Josephine, Another one of the ways in which Josephine helped Napoleon was through his military accomplishments. Prior to meeting Josephine, Napoleon was nothing more than a short, slight, shabby young artillery man, lacking real military victories. (Mossiker, 79) Josephine allowed Napoleon to strive for more than just a mistress but love. (Mossiker, 81) His fondness for her still remained with him even during his battles. After their wedding, he successfully conquered Italy in 1796-97. (Mossiker, 202) He continued his success conquering Egypt and this battle was significant because France gained a lot of gold and rare gems as well as the Rosetta stone; which was the key to hieroglyphic translations. (Mossiker, 134-139) While Napoleon was fighting his campaigns, Josephine used her connections to France’s political leaders to further Napoleon’s political career, hosting several parties that resulted in Napoleon quickly being promoted. That resulted in Napoleon gaining national prestige. (Josephine’s Influence on Napoleon, However, Josephine was chronically unfaithful to Napoleon. Napoleon nearly ended his Italian Campaign early simply to return to France and confront his wife. (Josephine’s Influence on Napoleon, A letter written to Josephine from Napoleon on the subject of her infidelity was published in several English newspapers, which mocked France and its ruler. Her several affairs almost led to their divorce, but Napoleon felt that a seemingly stable marriage would further his political aspirations and the two remained married. Josephine’s Influence on Napoleon, Therefore, even without her being present on the battle field, or even in the same country, it was Josephine’s inspirational spirit, that encouraged Napoleon throughout all of his major victories against Italy and Egypt. Napoleon created a code in which reflected his morals towards the family unit and marriage. In 1803, Napoleon established his own code of laws in order to repeal previous laws that weakened marriage. (The Law Behind the Man, The 1792 divorce law was repealed and drastically changed. Before it was possible for either a husband or wife to petition for a divorce on numerous grounds, but Napoleon changed the laws so divorce could only be petitioned for under mutual consent and incompatibility. (The Law Behind the Man, There were criteria that had to be met before a husband or wife could petition for a divorce on either of those grounds; if it was because of incompatibility the petitioner had to show proof of cruelty, adultery, or objected to certain humiliating forms of punishment administered by her spouse (Phillips 1988, p. 185). This is significant because it helps strengthen the family by giving both husband and wife the power to separa te. The Napoleonic Code also emphasized the family as a functioning unit. The needs and desires of the individual had been put ahead of others in the eighteenth century. (The Law Behind the Man, Napoleon heightened parental authority by requiring their permission in divorce cases and a husband’s power by reducing the rights of his wife. â€Å"A wife†¦.owed obedience to her husband, a husband protection to his wife, and that the wife was obliged by law to live with her husband and to follow him wherever he judged it convenient to live.† (Phillips 1988, p. 186) This law strengthened the family unit, giving each marriage partner specific duties and rules. Again, because of Josephine’s influence he created this law to protect his family by providing more structure in the family unit. Even though it may seem that Josephine did not have a more profound impact on the world as Napoleon did, her relationship with Napoleon helped to motivate him to develop his military, personal, social achievements. Without Josephine, Napoleon would not have accomplished what he did and the world we know today would be drastically different. Works Cited A+E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. . Courtiers and Favourites of Royalty. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Open Library. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. . only read the short 4 paged biography Empress Josephine. London: Oxford UP, 1963. Print. Encyclopedia Brittanica. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. . European History. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. . Heritage History. Heritage-History, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. . History Reference Centre. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Ebscohost. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. . Napoleon and Josephine. N.p.: Simon, n.d. Print. Bonaparte. London: Allen & Unwin, n.d. Print. Empress Josephine. Cambridge: Knapton, 1964. Print. Frances Mossiker’s Napoleon & Josephine. N.p.: Frances Mossiker, 1965. Print. Napoleon. New York: Aubry, 1964. Print. Napoleon Bonaparte. New York: Thompson, 1952. Print.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How To Manage Time Effectively Essay

Time management is the way we manage the amount of time allotted for specific tasks of goals. It is the steps we take on a daily basis in order to manage the time we have to complete the tasks or goals set before us in an efficient and timely manner. Managing out our time is something that most of us have difficulty with often times. People can get overwhelmed with life in general especially if they do not manage it accordingly. We are all given twenty-four hours in a day in which to live-no more, no less. So, why is it that some people are able to accomplish more in a day than others can possibly do in a week? Other than possibly the difference of levels of energy, it must that one person is able to manage their time more effectively than the other person. This does not mean that one person works harder, but rather, the person who accomplishes more in less time has figured out how to work smarter. Time management is important whether at work, school, or in your personal life. A disciplined work ethic is essential when you have multiple responsibilities. You need to manage your time effectively in order to be successful. Although, a hard skill to master, many try to overcome this obstacle but sometimes fall short of achieving the goals we want to accomplish. After the goals have been set we should keep track or record what needs to be done in lieu of reaching them. This will assist in managing time effectively. Better time management skills can improve your grades, get you a better position at work and even take away some of the stressors in your personal life. By creating a day to day plan people will have less to be stressed about and will ultimately feel a sense of accomplishment. The main thing to do in order to overcome poor time management behavior is to first become aware of how to use your time wisely. Poor time management can cause people to be tardy for work or school which in turn can cause them to lose their job or fall behind in their classes. This can cause a very detrimental effect on their lives. This shows that managing your time is extremely important and needs to be done adequately. In order to achieve this go through a day as you would normally and write down what you do, what time you start doing it, and then what time you are done with each task. By doing this you can effectively determine where your time is going and why your time management skills are less than adequate. Postpone anything that can be  put off in order to get more important things done. For example, you can delay going out to a movie with your friends but instead finish a report for work. Then once the report is completed you can go out with your friends another time. The stress of work not getting done will no longer attach itself to you in a negative way. If you are highly distracted in certain places then you should refrain or stop going to those places and find new less distracting places to hang out. This will in effect increase your productivity and balance due to the negation of distractions and also validate the fact that you are doing the right thing in managing your time properly. As stated by David Allen (2009), â€Å"Things rarely get stuck because of lack of time. They get stuck because the doing of them has not been defined. Most of the stress people experience comes from inappropriately managed commitments they make or accept.† Therefore, you must manage your time properly in order to obtain the necessary skills that will assist in reaching your goals. In order to be successful with time management, you have to set some goals. It may help to divide your goals into time frames; i.e. long term, short term, and day to day goals that will in the end assist you in achieving your goals. You need to think of what goals you would like to accomplish (long term- own business in five years, short term-complete all Business Management courses, and day to day-stay focused on completing daily tasks). In order to reach the fundamental long term goal, the first step is to get a planner or a journal to write down what course of action need to be taken. The next step helps you to decide on the importance of each task that needs to be done. We must evaluate the necessity of each task and list them accordingly. For instance, going to work should be well above going to the mall on your list. You must also take into consideration how much time each task will take. If you are assigned a task at work, which you believe will take an hour to compete then you must set aside some time during the week so that you can complete it properly. In the same instance, if you work for eight hours and you only have two hours before you have to cook dinner for your family, then you do not want to schedule a two and a half hour movie date. Very often people overlook these simple things that add a strain or  stress in their lives by committing to things that do not fall within the realm of what needs to be done. Peter Drucker (2009) said, â€Å"If you want to improve how you manage time – stop doing what doesn’t need to be done!†In summary, schedule your time effectively by first prioritizing what needs to be done first. Ask yourself what sacrifices need to be made in order to stay on task. Stay focused and do not stray too far from your schedule. If you have some extra time, use it wisely, i.e. read a chapter for class or read through some emails you haven’t gotten to. This will help eliminate stress in staying on top of things. Is what you’re currently doing or plan to do going to move you closer to your goal? Define or set your goals and write them down so that you have something to reference and keep you on task. When you define your goals, ask yourself two questions; where am I now and where am I going? When you know where you are going you are better equipped to handle the tasks at hand. References Allen, D. (2009). Why is Managing Time so Stressful? Retrieved June 21, 2009, from, P. (2009). Don’t Forget†¦Retrieved June 20, 2009, from

Rich Brother – Loyal to a Fault

Pete: Loyal to a Fault â€Å"The Rich Brother,† by Tobias Wolff is the story of two brothers that from all accounts couldn’t be more different. Pete, the elder brother, is the epitome of the American Dream. He has worked hard and become an entrepreneur, has a wife and kids, and even brags about an ocean view from his home. Donald is completely opposite. He is for the most part unemployed, and although he is a spiritual person, he has been unable to find the right fit for his spirituality and bounced from religion to religion. The Rich Brother,† begins at the end of Donald’s most recent search for spirituality when he must call his brother, Pete, knowing that Pete cannot deny his brother’s need for help yet again, and asks to be picked up from the communal farm where he had been living. Throughout the story the reader sees numerous examples of Pete’s sense of responsibility toward his brother, his love and his dedication for family; however, Pe te’s dominant characteristic is that he is loyal to a fault, making him an enabler of his brother’s childish ways at the same time allowing himself to be taken advantage of.The first evidence the reader has of Pete’s loyalty to his family and Donald occurs within the first few paragraphs when the reader finds out that after Donald fails to find his way living in an Ashram as a Hindu, Pete paid his extensive medical bills from an undiagnosed case of hepatitis. As adults in the â€Å"real world,† we are expect to take responsibility for our own actions by both learning from a less than ideal life experience and paying back a debt, whether through finances or with a change in future behavior.Donald doesn’t see it that way though, and appears to have no sense of the value of money and how tough it was for Pete to earn it. He also lacks the physical capability to pay his brother back because before Pete is even finished paying off Donald’s bills he has found Christianity and joined a pentecostal community and begun to speak his new truth in tongues. Donald knows that Pete will again bail him out the next time as he had done before.It is just a bit further into the story that we see Pete allow his loyalty to open himself up again to be taken advantage of when Donald demonstrates his lack of life skills, affecting the quality of life for others on the farm. This results in his being asked to leave the farm. Rather than work things out for himself, Donald calls Pete, knowing he can count on his brother for assistance to out of Paso Robles. It is no surprise that Pete’s immediate response is to state that his brother will come live with his wife and family while Donald gets on his feet.Additionally, Pete ends up driving a number of hours from Santa Cruz to physically pick his brother up because past experiences in loaning money to Donald and that of the Ashram in Berkeley, have taught Pete that simply giving Donald money is a no win situation. Donald’s non-existent life skills combined with Pete’s inability to create boundaries with his brother by saying, â€Å"no† is just another occurrence of Pete believing he is helping even though, it may not be the right thing to do for Donald in the long term.Again and again Pete’s unrelenting loyalty removes any need for Donald to fully act like an adult. Upon arriving at the gas station, Donald immediately requests money for food he has purchased, food he has consumed knowing he is unable to pay for it. Without a second thought Pete opens his wallet and produces $100, far more money than is actually owed. When Donald tries to give some of it back to his brother, Pete says, â€Å"I can’t keep track of all these nickels and dimes. Just pay me back when your ship comes in.Go on – take it! † (615). These are perhaps words parents might use with their college age child to ensure their child has enough to get them through a tough time, maybe a week during school exams or something. A parent knows that the money is not going to be paid back, just as Pete knows Donald will never pay the money back to him. This situation reinforces the idea that Pete enables Donald to take advantage of him. Just as history repeats itself, so does the cycle that is Pete and Donald.Donald once again takes advantage of his brother’s loyalty when on the drive home from the farm the brothers pick up Webster, a hitchhiker and conman. Webster spins a tale too good to be true but Donald can’t see anything other than dollar signs when Webster offers him a share in his gold mine in Peru. Pete, as most adults would have, can see the scam through Webster’s tale immediately and tries to help Donald see the truth by offering up multiple snarky comments and direct questions for Webster to answer. It’s just not enough though as Donald gives away Pete’s $100 to Webster in good faith for a share in the mine.This is a much larger issue than the fact that Donald just gave away Pete’s money and feels justified and blameless. The other issue is Pete’s – past experience should have taught Pete that Donald is incapable of understanding the value of other people’s money or material items, which is part of the reason he was asked to leave the farm. Throughout â€Å"The Rich Brother† there are so many examples of Pete being loyal to a fault, but none are as telling as when Pete and Donald argue over the money Donald has given away.The brothers fight until they can’t come to any option other than that Donald needs to get out of the car immediately at night in the middle of no where, effectively ending their co-dependent sibling relationship. By this point in life Pete should have realized that leaving Donald figure things out for himself may be the better alternative, but he just can’t. He is too loyal. Pete can’t even bear the idea of telling his wife that he left his brother along the side of the road with no where to turn.He can’t even kid himself – Pete knows that he is going to turn around and once again pick up the pieces of Donald’s mess, which will enable the cycle to repeat endlessly. All of these events lead one to wonder if Pete is a man driven by guilt. Is there any other reason that Pete, a reasonably successful man would allow himself to be taken advantage of and manipulated so often by Donald? The reader sees this manipulation when Donald questions Pete about why he has a new Mercedes, and why he chooses to skydive, all very expensive things, leaving Pete guiltily defending his choices to enjoy his success.Pete may also suffer from guilt for mistreating Donald after he underwent some sort of surgery as a child, a story that Donald adamantly recounts to Pete even though many years have passed and Pete isn’t even sure the events ever happened. Additionally, Pete av oids incurring any additional guilt on behalf of Donald by taking care of all of his needs as their mother did before she passed; a similar thought process for Pete as he doesn’t want to imagine the shame he will feel when he tells his wife why Donald is not with him.By the end of the story the reader can confidently assume that not only will Pete pick up Donald’s pieces but that he will once again put them back together for Donald, even though the best thing Pete could do for Donald would be to step back and allow Donald to take adult responsibility and find a way to put his own pieces back together, but, because absolute loyalty it is part of Pete’s nature it is also his biggest fault when dealing with his brother.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Susan Smith Murderer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Susan Smith Murderer - Research Paper Example Susan Smith was married to a David Smith from March 15th 1991 to May 1995 with whom they bore Michael Daniel (on October 10th 1991) and Alexander Tyler (on August 5th 1993). She killed both of the children on October 25th of 1994 by letting her 1990 Mazda Protà ©gà © roll into the nearby John D. Long Lake, drowning the children inside. At the time of the incident, the first born child Michael Daniel Smith was only 3 years old while his smaller sibling, Alexander Tyler Smith, was only 14 months old (Russell & Stephens, 2000). The case attracted worldwide attention with Susan Smith at first claiming her innocence and stating that a black man had carjacked her and kidnapped her two children, making away with her vehicle in the process. On national television, she cried for the rescue and return of her children but following thorough investigations and nationwide searches, she confessed her crime. Even from the onset of the investigations, law enforcers found her testimonies rather wanting and conflicting and begun strongly suspecting that she knew of her children’s whereabouts. When she and her husband were subjected to a series of polygraph tests, all the results indicated that she was lying about not knowing her children’s whereabouts (Smith & Calef, 1995). But perhaps the biggest breakthrough in the case was when she stated that lights at the intersection where she stopped only turn red when a car approaches on the intersecting road (her purported reason for stopping at the intersection) but since she had earlier claimed that no other cars were on the road at the time, she was deeply conflicting her testimonies. Finally, investigators found the children’s bodies in Lake John after searching surrounding lakes and ponds (Rekers, 1996). The rational choice theory/ choice theory/ rational action theory is a framework for comprehending and modeling social and economic behavior. The rational choice theory, pioneered by George Homas, attaches

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Writing Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writing Women - Essay Example The marriage traditions in China are based on the concept of Yin and Yang, where Yin is the gentle and docile female of the human spirit and Yang is the dominant male. Yin and Yang have to maintain their states at all times in order for the union or marriage to be a peaceful one. As society progressed and women gained more exposure and education a few women writers came forward and expressed their feminist views on the subject through their short stories. These stories have been translated and compiled into a book, â€Å"Writing Women in Modern China† released in 2005. In this essay we will compare some short stories from that book with Zhang Ailing’s â€Å"When Love came to China† (2006) and examine if modernity in China really succeeded in changing the age-old traditions in the country. We will look at the concept of love based on: It was customary in twentieth century China for most men and women to get married or betrothed to someone by their early twenties. This marriage of convenience most often resulted in men seeking love outside of their marriages. This is the beginning of Zhang’s story when the already married Wen and Lo court 20-year-old Chou and Fan. Chou is described as the free spirited woman who is nonchalant and does not look for a commitment from her lover Wen and eventually leaves Wen to marry a man chosen by her family. Although Chou is portrayed as a face of the modern woman she appears here more as someone not brave enough to fight against the norms and old customs of the Chinese society. In this case the freedom she tries to exercise by finding love on her own terms is more of an escape from reality and her inevitable fate. We see a similar plight in Fen Yuan Jing’s â€Å"Separation† (1923) where the girl is locked up by her mother to separate her from her lover and she awaits the arrival of her betrothed Liu Muhan helplessly and with dread. We however see here that love has a deeper meaning, the girl

Saturday, July 27, 2019

See the attachment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

See the attachment - Assignment Example In the act, health provider should seek measures that preserve and protect human resources. It created enforcers would oversee that health providers follow the rules and regulations in their daily operations. However, since its enactment, there are few success stories associated with it. It has become expensive for companies to meet the requirements of the OSHA act. The rules, that the act issues have increased operating costs, making it difficult for companies to run affordable. In the case of violation, the company pays hefty fines within a restricted amount of time. There are additional fines for all the days that the company is unable to make right the violations. Such violation includes workplace accidents, which could be very often. It becomes difficult for companies to operate in such conditions. Mandatory employer compliance becomes a setback to people who want to start a company. This discourages entrepreneurship as entrepreneurs have a difficult time to try to play it safe (Halbert & Ingulli 2008). The regulations have increased tension between workers and employees. Although it is good to ensure that workers have proper working conditions and protection, some workers tend to take this event to their advantage. Over the years employees have taken advantage of the laws to punish employers who detest them. This is because the laws are employee friendly, making them liable to abuse from the workers. Employers have little room to have an explanation for accidents that may occur in the company. Some accidents may be because of the employees’ ignorance and carelessness, making the company to suffer for no good reason. The National Labor Relations act contains rules giving the employees excess power over work related issues. Therefore, with employees in control of the workplaces, employers have a hard time in running a company (Halbert & Ingulli 2008). The OSHA laws interfere with employment of workers in the private sector. Private companies hire

Friday, July 26, 2019

Petrobras and cost of capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Petrobras and cost of capital - Essay Example Petrobras was operating in a higher risk environment due to Brazil’s economic turbulence. The cost of debt for any given company is the cost of raising extra revenue by issuing the debt. Likewise, the cost of equity refers to that extra revenue associated with issue of the equity shares. The cost of capital therefore is derived from the average value of issuing the two in the proportion capital they present and this is what is referred to as the WACC (weighted average cost of capital) as to be discussed later in this paper. For a company like Petrobras, the financing costs can be derived by use of the WACC. The major players in the multinational oil industry as indicated in exhibit 1 of the case have almost a similar cost of capital ranging from 7.6% of BP to 9.0% of ocean energy indicating an average difference of 1.4%. Petrobras’ cost of capital is further up at 15% reflecting a massive difference of 6%. This is largely attributed to the company’s distinct domestic involvement in terms of its operations. The company is largely owned by the government and hence it was solely producing for a Brazilian market in the quest to eliminate its over dependence on international oil imports. This is despite the economic turbulence of the country’s economy that has been characterized by fluctuations in interest rates, inflation rates, local currency depreciation among other economic downfall, which is further reflected into the company’s CA.... erations made investors assign it the country risks assigned to similar firms operating in the country and as a consequence, the cost of capital was significantly raised. There are sentiments by analysts that the company’s CA ought to have been excluded from the â€Å"burden† of the respective additional costs incurred from Brazil's sovereign spread during the derivation of kd (cost of debt) and derived capital or equity (Antweiler 2005). This will ensure that the risk bored or characterized by the company’s operations are optimally constituted hence bringing its cost of capital at par with similar companies. This is the main reason why the company embarked on expansion in the South American markets like Argentina, as mentioned in the case. Petrobras's WACC Analysis To begin, there are two ways that companies may use to evaluate their cost of capital: the first one is by use of expected equity cash flow and the required rate of return whereas the second approach focuses on the use of free cash flow and the weighted average cost of capital. The WACC calculation for Petrobras uses comparable companies to produce a single discount rate. This is despite of the fact that an industry average WACC is the most appropriate for Petrobras on a long-term basis. Suppose there exists any short-term differences between the industry WACC and Petrobras's WACC, then it goes that Petrobras will be more likely to go back to the industry WACC on a long-term basis. The company’s WACC calculation uses Petrobras's highest risk free rate, because no investment can have a cost of capital that is better than risk free. This situation may occur if the beta is negative and Petrobras uses a significant proportion of equity capital. While the company had decided to implement an

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Evaluation of Save The Children Website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluation of Save The Children Website - Essay Example The paper describes the website "Save The Children" ( By analyzing the layout and functionality of the above mentioned website it can be seen as adequate in providing a pleasing interface for the viewer thereof. The landing page provides sufficient navigation options in its top level navigation menu, specifically that of the About Us, Donate, Sponsor, Gifts and so forth. Four main key areas are further highlighted within the main view or so called "above the fold", namely that of the Donate Now, Become A Sponsor, Join the Campaign, and Take Action respectively, with the balance of the landing page, and below the fold, providing both the latest news and developments as well as reporting upon the latest results and achievements of the organization and their efforts within this field. Specifically from a functional perspective the site seems adequate enough to enable the site visitor to navigate to any desired area in seeking information about the organization, the efforts within which they are active as well as areas where they, the site visitor, may become involved in. Specific to the subject of trafficking, and where children are exploited and exposed to this activity, there is no immediate reference provided within any of the main menu items on the landing page. Only upon searching, via the search functionality of the site that trafficking is returned within these search results. Therefore the issue of trafficking is not highlighted and does not seem to be prioritized within this website.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Social sustainability Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Social sustainability - Assignment Example The leading organizations around the globe are trying to capitalize on the advantages that have been created due to globalization. The global market has become much more competitive after the Second World War. All the leading organizations have implemented advanced technology, strategic tools in their business process (Lancaster and Withey, 2012, p.38). Now-a-days people are much more concern about the quality of products as they have several options and substitutes for a product. In terms of organization, several firms are trying to bring sustainability in the business by focusing on the social, economic and environment sustainability as these will increase the brand reputation in this global competitive market (Bidgoli, 2006, p.173). The study is all about the analysis and evaluation of the social, economic and environment sustainability of leading home furniture retail IKEA. The organization has promoted and planned several sustainability projects and programmes in order to improv e the situation of global economy, community and environment. The study will reveal all the hidden aspects thoroughly. Introduction Sustainability can be defined as fulfilling needs without compromising the capability of the fulfilling of needs of future generation (Moore, 2010, p.20). It improves the quality of life. There are certain aspects that should be contained, such as social, economic and environmental. In the business practices it is known as 3BL or Triple Bottom Line. Sustainable business can be defined as an enterprise who has limited negative impact on local or global environment, society, community or economy. Habitually sustainable business firms have progressive human rights and environmental policies. Generally the business can be determined as green business when that enterprise fulfils the following criteria. It manufactures and supplies environment friendly goods and services and the enterprise is greener comparing to the traditional competition. It has made commitment to the environment policies in the business operations. It includes sustainability principles into business decisions. Any enterprise that practices green and environment friendly activities in order to ensure all the processes and manufacturing activities are current environmental concerned can be termed as sustainable business. IKEA is a leading global home furnishing retailer. The growth story of the organization since 1943 is very much eventful and effectual. Presently the organization is leading the global market place and the organization is popular for its Scandinavian style. Major of the furniture of IKEA are f lat-pack and prepared to be assembled by the buyers. The organization carries almost a range of more than 9,500 products. Online purchasing facilities have increased the core competency of IKEA. Till date there are 20 IKEA stores in UK (Boone and Kurtz, 2009, p.219). The study will determine the actions and strategies of IKEA towards social, economical and environmental sustainability. Moreover, the study will highlight the Green House Gas Management Programme of IKEA. After evaluation, the study will draw the findings and will provide some recommendation plan. Finally the study will articulate a brief and clear conclusion. Social Sustainability The aim and objective of IKEA states that they want to provide better life for the community and people through the business practices. Moreover, the organization always focuses on establishing healthy and better place to work for the employees and the suppliers. Supporting children and vulnerable communities and commitment to supporting hum an rights is a path of promoting social sustainability through the busin

The Battle of Little Big Horn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Battle of Little Big Horn - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the Battle of Little Big Horn is characterized as a massacre war because of not only the processes of the war, but also the end result of that war. A massacre war is associated with mass killing of unarmed people. In tandem with this assertion, it is evidenced by Everett that the U.S. Calvary under the leadership of Lt. General George Custer was trapped by Indian forces and spread with arrows and bullets which killed them in less than an hour despite their use of horses’ bodies as a barricade. From the description of the war, it is apparent that Custer and his men did not fight back; they were killed mercilessly.This research highlights that  in the information provided by Derudio also supports the claim the Battle of Little Big Horn was a massacre war. According to Derudio, Custer divided the armies into three groups ignored the orders to wait, and decided to attack the Indians without realizing the number of Indian warriors numbered three t imes his army. The Cheyenne, Hunkpapa Sioux and Oglala Sioux enveloped Custer and his men then poured them with gunfire and arrows. The shooting horses and using their carcasses to form a wall provided insignificant protection against the bullets and arrows. Custer and his men were killed in what was referred in this account as â€Å"the worst American military disaster ever.†Ã‚  Calvary had killed. According to her, the Indian armies surrounded the Custer and killed every army.     

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Life cycle of malaria Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Life cycle of malaria - Research Paper Example Direct observation has been a challenge. To overcome this hindrance, intravital microscopy along with fluorescence techniques was used. Conclusions: The success of this research proved that it is possible to observe and study the life cycle of malaria directly. The direct study used in this research opens up a new frontier in the fight against malaria. The purpose of this research is to comprehend the life cycle of malaria. It is important as it aids researchers in the design and implementation of interventions that can be used to hinder transmission and infection of malaria, and develop respective treatments. Four known plasmodium species are known to cause malaria: plasmodium vivax, ovale, malariae and falciparum (Bozdech, Llinas, Pulliam et al.). It has been proved that it is the female anopheline mosquitoes that transmit the plasmodium. The body of this paper begins with a description of the methods used for the research. The observations are stated after which they are discussed with concluding remarks following thereafter. Briefly looking at the life cycle of malaria, it is well known that they suck human blood as a meal and in turn inject infectious sporozoite stage parasites into people. These sporozoite stage plasmodia enter into the blood circulation and migrate to the liver. In the liver, they invade liver cells and go through replications differentiating into merozoites. The merozoites invade and enter vulnerable erythrocytes from where they go through differentiation and replicate over several days, rupturing and being released from the erythrocytes. They re-enter the blood plasma to begin the blood stage again. The parasites may differentiate into gametocytes while in the blood stage. A feeding mosquito takes them up to begin the cycle once again. This research seeks to answer the question: ‘What occurs in each life cycle stage of Malaria?’ (Hall and Fauci 1640) To

Monday, July 22, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Global Warming Essay Global Warming is an issue that concerns almost everybody worldwide: it is the primary cause for the erratic and sometimes devastating weather that is experienced around the world. Global warming is causing the rise in sea level which in turn causes the flooding of coastal areas and areas with low elevation. Is global warming really happening today? Scientists with the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) believe it is so. It is indisputable that there has been a rise in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere during the last century, which scientists think may be one of the causes of global warming. II. Discussion A. Global Warming and doomsday Will global warming spell doom for our world? Scientists believe this to be so. Much depends on what actions we take now and in the coming years. Meteorologist Jagadish Shukla of the University of Maryland found out that deforestation would cause rainfall in the Amazon River to decline by more than 26 percent from the current 2. 5 m. to about 1. 8 m. a year. At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, produces sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are hazardous to the atmosphere. Findings show that a single smokestack may produce as much as 500 tons of sulfur dioxide a day. When these gases combine with oxygen and moisture, sulfuric acid and nitric acid is formed. The rain will carry the acids to the ground (acid rain) which may cause the depletion of calcium and magnesium in the soil, elements needed by plants for the formation of chlorophyll and wood, or it may cause the release of aluminum in the soil, which are poisonous and can kill the roots of trees (Carwardine, 2000). According to Dr. Sadik, UN population fund’s director, said that the more people increased pressure on already stressed lands, forests and water supplies. Other sources of climatic change were attributed to some forms of gases such as nitrous oxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (Cronin, 2001). Nitrous oxide or laughing gas is a colorless gas with a sweet taste and odor that is used as an anaesthetic in minor surgery that H2O is responsible for about 6 percent of the human contributes to greenhouse warming. Methane or cow gas, on the other hand, makes up about 18 percent of human contributions to greenhouse effect. Cattle, sheep, goats, and other cud-chewing animals give off methane, in burps and flatulence as they digest. CFCs was discovered by Thomas Widgley Jr. , a chemist working at the Frigidaire Division of General Motors, used as coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners and aerosol propellants in spray cans, medical sterilizers, cleaning solvents for electronic components and raw materials for making plastic foams such as coffee cups. CFCs are estimated to account for 14 percent of global warming. Experts said that what is happening right now is not a matter of adding a few degrees to the average temperature of a community. A rise of this magnitude may cause life, for without the environment, creatures on earth cannot survive (Davidson, 2003). B. Recommendations a. ) Recycling and Reuse of Solid Wastes Solid wastes are now viewed as a potential resource which must be recovered and reused whenever possible. Since disposal forest resources are rapidly being depleted, recycling solid wastes offer a solution to both. Consider the element phosphorus. Mined from phosphate ores, it is manufactured into fertilizers. It enters the plant tissues and we obtain it when we eat plant as vegetable. This is later excreted and joins the sewage system. The sewage system sludge can be used directly as fertilizer or soil conditioner. b. ) Conserving our Forests Every now and then we receive alarming news about our forests being denuded. Big logging concessionaires indiscriminately cut down trees without undertaking reforestation measures. III. Conclusion Of all issues affecting humanity, climate change is the most pervasive and truly global, posing a very real and serious threat to our environment. Climate change is the alteration of the pattern of global climate that may be due to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere. If present day emissions of greenhouse gases continue, it is estimated that the rate of increase in global mean temperatures will reach about 0. 3o C per decade. This will mean a likely increase of 1o C above the present level by the year 2025, and 3o C before the end of the next century. Reference: 1. Carwardine, Mark (2000). The WWF Environment Handbook. London: Macdonald Optima. Attractively illustrated handbook for the general reader. 2. Cronin, Helena (2001). The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 2, 3, 4 (pp. 7-110). 3. Davidson, Joan (2003). How Green is your City? Pioneering Approaches to Environmental Action. London: Bedford Square Press. Guide to community action for urban renewal.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Effects Of Deforestation On The Atmosphere Environmental Sciences Essay

The Effects Of Deforestation On The Atmosphere Environmental Sciences Essay Deforestation had been a sounding issue since the past decade. Not because of its contribution to human and urban development but to it brings many effects to the earth as a whole. This article will be focusing on two main effects that is caused by deforestation, which is damage on the atmosphere and biodiversity. The effects of deforestation on the atmosphere is the increase of carbon dioxide gases, gradually leading to the greenhouse effect and the global warming. The carbon cycle is also disrupted due to the reduction of trees for carbon dioxide absorption. The effect of deforestation on the biodiversity that humans, plants and animals are all harm without us noticing. Endangered animals and plants are facing extinction everyday as we speak. Humans health are also affected by the increasing level of carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere. Introduction Deforestation is simply defined as the removal of forest for land usage in a large scale, mainly conducted by humans. Deforestation had been very active in the past decades. As mentioned by Apan and Anderson (1998) Deforestation of tropical lands has become an issue of worldwide signi ¬Ã‚ cance. At the global level, the loss of biological diversity and the issue of arti ¬Ã‚ cial greenhouse effect are the major concerns, frequently the subject of international debates. (p. 137) Developers in the past decades had no conscious of the effects of uncontrolled deforestation, resulting in a serious lack of forest in this decade. There are many effects of deforestation which includes, drought, climate change, flora and fauna extinction, reduction of water yields, global warming, emission of greenhouse gases and many more. These effects of deforestation can bring severe harm in a local, regional and global scale. This article will be mainly focusing on the effects of deforestation on the atmosphere and biodiversity. The main question of the article is, whether deforestation will cause the climate to change and affects the biodiversity. There is a closely related link between deforestation, the earths atmosphere and biodiversity. The alteration of forest brings a huge impact on both the atmosphere and wildlife. Biodiversity is the to the term to describe all living things on this planet which involves faunas, floras, food chains and basically the whole ecosystem. The importance of biodiversity is far important than what we imagine. The reduction of biodiversities will surely disrupt the balance of this planet, as all these species are also part of the human food chain. The atmosphere refers to the layer of gas surrounding the earth. The atmosphere is very influential to the earths weather and consequently the temperature. As heat is transmitted from the sun, through the layers of atmosphere, then reaching to the earths surface, the atmosphere can be a shield or a magnifying glass depending on how we, humans manage our forest. Human development and increasing of population is a main contribution to deforestation. In order to save the world from deforestation, the root of the happening of deforestation must be discovered and solve. More land is required to support to growth of population, as a result, more deforestation will occur. However, if the rate of human development from an intellectual aspect increase, the actions that are brought out to handle population growth and deforestation will be handled in a more wise way. Effects on the atmosphere The carbon cycle is the transaction of oxygen and carbon dioxide between animals (humans) and plants. Humans produces carbon dioxide through respiration, while plants produces oxygen during photosynthesis. In the opposite, humans need oxygen to survive while plants need carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis for food. (Ragsdale, 2007) This is a perfect cycle which is able to maintain an equal volume of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere. If deforestation occurs, the amount of trees will decrease. As a result, the rate of carbon dioxide absorption will gradually decrease as photosynthesis occurrence has decrease. This phenomenon will cause the volume of carbon dioxide to increase in the atmosphere. When the volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, these excessive carbon dioxide will be considered as greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are entrapment agents that contribute to the rising of temperature in atmosphere. Greenhouse gases is a layer of gases between the surface of the earth and the earths atmosphere. When sunlight is directed to the surface of the earth, without the greenhouse gases, the sunlight will be reflected back to the sun without any obstacles. However, with the existence of the greenhouse gases in a layer form, when sunlight is directed onto the earths surface, the sunlight will be reflected back to the earths surface due to the entrapment by the greenhouse gases. As a result, when the energy from the sun has no place to escape, it will make the earths temperature increase. The volume of carbon dioxide is not only existed in a excessive manner, it is also emitted in an uncontrollable manner. When deforestation happens, trees falls and degrades for a period of time. The outcome of this degradation process is also known as forest biomass. As mentioned by Fearnside and Lawrence (2004) , forest biomass is the one of the main source of carbon dioxide emission when trees were burnt after they were chopped down. The forest also acts as a filter for carbon dioxide and air pollutants which in other words, the forest can provide us a cleaner and fresher air. However, inconsiderate farmers and agriculturalist would burn the whole deforested area for the sake of their own convenience. As mentioned that greenhouse gases will cause an increase in the atmospheres temperature, thus, global warming and deforestation is interrelated. When the volume of carbon dioxide increases, the temperature in the atmosphere increases as well, resulting in global warming. The main danger of global warming is that, when the earth heats up, glaciers in the north pole will melt and gradually more floods ad tsunamis will happen. Effects on the biodiversity Biodiversity is defined as all living things on earth which includes plants and animals, the entire ecosystem and basically the whole planet. Sofie (2007) said human dominance of the biosphere has signi ¬Ã‚ cantly changed ecosystems, thereby often impairing their capacity to provide ecosystem services crucial for our survival. (p. 2753) When deforestation occurs, animals will lose their habitat and plants will be removed for good. Many animals gain their food from their own habitat and their habitat would be the only place for them to find for their suitable food. When the animals habitat is destroyed, many animals would starve to death and gradually leads to extinction for some rare and endangered animals. The same thing that will occur to the floras, when deforestation occurs, tall trees with will be chopped off, while plants that grows on the ground would be also remove during the loading process of the tree trunks. Rare and endangered plants will be extinct during the process of deforestation. Forest canopy blocks the sunlight from entering the forest surface. Some plants that are sensitive to sunlight will wilt when the forest canopy is removed. Biodiversity is not only about plants and animals, it also involves humans. When the volume of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere due to deforestation, humans health will be affected. Carbon dioxide gas itself is an acidic gas, excessive inhalation will cause many side effects such as dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, increase in heartbeat rate and blood pressure, suffocation and unconsciousness if the concentration of carbon dioxide gas is high. Besides, the roots of the trees holds the ground of the forest together. If deforestation happens, the forest ground will be loose and eventually causes the happening of landslides and flash flood. Who will be the main victims of these following event? Humans. Solution to deforestation Many methods are used to solve deforestation all over the globe. Reforestation is the best method to solve deforestation. The concept of reforestation is saving what was damaged. Planting one tree after chopping one tree is not enough to reduce the rate of deforestation. At least three trees should be planted at the same time when one tree is chopped down in order to keep the number of trees increasing. (Galan, Matias, Rivas Bastante, 2009) In a local view, farmers and agriculturist should be considerate and aware of the importance of the forest and the serious emission of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. The main reason why deforestation occurs is because of ignorance and lack of knowledge on environment issues. As mentioned by Koop and Tole (2001), when the rate of human development is high, the rate of deforestation will be low. The human development rate is obtained through a countrys education quality, intellectual level, income level and life quality. In other words, when the majority of a country hare a high intellectual level, they would be aware of the importance of the forest and try their best to preserve the remaining forest and conduct reforestation. Governments and education ministries should start to instill the importance of forest to the country to primary, secondary and tertiary students. For they are the future leaders, they would be aware of the serious deforestation occurring in their country if they have the acknowledgement of this issue. Besides, the government should also play their role to reinforce the laws and regulations on environmental issues. The government has the responsibility to preserve the remaining forest and conduct reforestation as the effects of deforestation is drastic especially to the people in the country. Penalties should be charged on deforestation offenders such as illegal lumberjacks, ruthless developers, ignorant agriculturist and so on. Discussion All in all, deforestations effect is devastating no matter in a local, regional or a global scale. The victims of deforestation are commonly animals, plants and we, humans. The atmosphere is already facing critical problems, especially the carbon dioxide issue. Excessive carbon dioxide is bad to both humans and the climate. Actions must be carried out by all human race to save the earths atmosphere. With the reduction of paper usage, the demand for trees will be decreased and this would surely paralyze the increasing rate of deforestation. Extinction is also a worrying issue nowadays and the main cause of this event is because of loss of habitat. Animals need their habitat in order to survive and reproduce. Food and water supply is easily obtained from their original habitat. Animals that lost their habitat will either starve to death or killed by humans for trespassing in to residential areas. We would not want our next generation to miss all these beautiful creation due to our irre sponsibility in preserving the environment. Conclusion The reason why I am interested in this topic is because, the forest is a wonderful creation of God, there are many fascinating creatures in the forest waiting to be discovered. Deforestation prevents scientists and zoologists from doing so. Besides, I am aware that the reduction of forests will not only affect our current generation, but also our following generation. I truly hope that governments can start to act before it is too late. Educate the people on environmental issues, reinforce laws and regulations regarding environmental issues and preserve the forest before deforestation outruns the efforts of reforestation.

Effect of Nematode on Tobacco

Effect of Nematode on Tobacco Tobacco 1.0 Introduction Tobacco (Nicotina tabacum L.) is one of the most important non- food crop and widely grown commercially (Akerhust, 1981). This plant had a high economic value and widely demanded throughout the world for the usage of the nicotine, cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco product (Akerhust, 1981). Nowadays, in Malaysia, Tobacco industry is very crucial in uplifting the socio-economic status of farmer in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis. There were 20,524 farm families, 355 tobacco curers, 1300 grower and 25384 station workers. This industry generates about 150 million in income per year. 38% of the income goes to the farmers and 18% to the curers ( This plant can give a stable income and therefore increased the income of farmer (Wells, 1987). Tobacco was cultivated as a rotation with the paddy for a side income (Anon, 1981). Tobacco plant can be infected by bacteria, fungus, virus, and parasitic nematode. Disease infection lower the tobacco yield and also quality. This research focused on effect of plant parasitic nematode on tobacco. Plant parasitic nematode can be found wherever tobacco is grown. The severity of the damage they caused depended on climate and soil type (Luc, Sikora et al. 2005). Nematode infection may lower the quality and yields. Annual report from North Carolina in 2008, showed Meloidogyne spp. it self cause loses around $2,505,126 in 2004, $1,596,452 in 2005, $ 1,772,819 in 2006, $1,542,864 in 2007, and $4,096,321 in 2008 while other nematodes cause $146,297 in 2004, $2281 in 2005, $529,188 in 2006 and $208,612 in 2008 ( In Malaysia, the effect of nematode on tobacco yield reduction has not been fully understand or revealed. Therefore, the objectives of this project were: To observe the effect of nematode on tobacco. To observe the relationship of soil physical properties on nematode population density and disease severity. 2.0 Literature review 2.1 Tobacco Tobacco was one of the most important non- food crop and widely grown commercially (Akerhust, 1981). This plant originated came from South America (Tso, 1972). However according to Gerstel (1961), Nicotina tabacum not occurring in wild state it was amphidiploids which come from hybridization of Nicotina sylvestris and Nicotina tomentosiformis. This plant has a high economic value and has been widely demanded throughout the world for the usage of the nicotine such as cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco product (Akerhust, 1981). This plant also important for the research purposes (Tso, 1972). Many researches have been done by using this plant mostly in Plant physiology and Genetics (Bateman Millar, 1966; Albersheim et. al., 1969; Kosuge, 1969). In Malaysia, Tobacco was first introduced in year 1959 by Malayan Tobacco Company (now known as Malaysia Tobacco Company, MTC) in Kelantan cultivation area for 8 hectares (Anon., 1976). Nowadays, in Malaysia, Tobacco industry has been very crucial in uplifting the socio-economic status of farmer in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis. There were 20,524 farm families, 355 tobacco curers, 1300 grower and 25384 station workers. This industry generated about 150 million in income per year. 38% of the income goes to the farmers and 18% to the curers (Ministry of primary industry, 2010). This plant can give a stable income and therefore can increase the income of farmer (Wells, 1987). Tobacco is cultivated as a rotation with the paddy for a side income (Anon, 1981). However, product and quality of tobacco leaf are quite low due to encountering many problems, including diseases. For Tobacco cultivation, a deep and well drained soil is needed. This is where nematodes problem develop rapid ly (Luc, Sikora et al. 2005). 2.2 Nematodes related with the Tobacco Plant parasitic nematode can be found wherever tobacco is grown. The severity of the damage they caused may depended on climate and soil type (Luc, Sikora et al. 2005). Many tobacco producing countries are near or within the inter-tropical zone. The dominant nematodes that parasitize tobacco plant were Meloidogyne spp. (a root-knot nematode). Most of important species from this genus were M.arenaria, M.incognita, M.javanica, and M.hapla. M.incognita and M.javanica were important species in Malaysia. Other Meloidogyne spp., were rarely reported. Similarly, Pratylenchus spp. were also dominant species that parasitize tobacco plant (Kimpinski and Thompson 1990). Apart from Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchus spp., Tylenchorhynchus spp., Globodera spp., Ditylenchus dipsaci and Aphelenchus ritzemabosi were reported to parasitized tobacco plant in certain restricted area. Other nematodes such as Helicotylenchus, Rotylenchus, Scutellonema, Rotylenchulus sp., Tetylenchus and Crinomella sp. hav e been found to infect tobacco plant but not normally associated with losses. Some nematode species such as Xiphinema, Longidorus, Trichodorus, and Paratrichodorus have been reported to transmit viruse to tobacco (Luc, Sikora et al. 2005). Nematodes also may cause disease complex. For example Meloidogyne spp. a root-knot nematodes has been proved to increase the incident of Fusarium wilt even when their population were incapable to cause direct damage to the tobacco plant (Webster, 1972). Another example was interaction between Pratylenchus brachyurus (lesion nematode) and Phyptopthora parasitica var. nicotianae (cause black shank disease). Inagaki and Powell (1969) found that P. brachyurus caused more severe and rapid diseased development of black shank symptom than when the fungus alone. 2.3 Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp. 2.3.1 Distribution Meloidogyne spp. are always important parasites in tobacco cultivation, wherever the climate favours them (Nusbaum, 1960; Daulton, 1964; Barker et al., 1981; Rich et al., 1982). There were 61 species and two subspecies in this genus at the end of 1988 (Eisenback, 1985; Eisenback Hirschmann, 1991). Nowadays until year 2000 there were 80 species have been describing (Carneiro et al., 2000). Parasitism of Meloidogyne spp. was first reported by Tisdale (1922) in Florida. This genus was also a serious pest in Southern Africa in the late 1920s (Jack, 1927; NaudÑ?, 1929). Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica were mostly found parasitize the tobacco plant. Their infection was very relying on the climate, since M.javanica had a higher tolerance towards drought and high temperature compared with M.incognita (Daulton Nusbaum, 1969, 1962; Taylor et al., 1982). Meloidogyne arenaria and M.hapla were the next mostly found to cause infection on tobacco plant. Meloidogyne hapla was reported to be found in the cooler parts of the world. Report from fields survey in Florida showed M.javanica was found in 65% of fields survey area, M.incognita 33% and M.arenaria was rarely found (Rich Garcia, 1985). Report from North Carolina showed M.arenaria population had increased gradually although M.incognita was the predominant species there. This observation also showed the same in South Carolina (Fortnum et al., 1984; Schmitt Barker, 1988). Apart from that, M.javanica and M.hapla was reported to be found in North Carolina. Reported showed that there were 64% of M.incognita and 29% of M.javanica to be found in Philippines (Madamba, 1981). Meloidogyne incognitagraham, M.microcephala, M.mayaguensis, M.cruciani, M.enterolobii, M.ethiopica, M.platani, M. themesi were also reported to parasitize reproduce tobacco plant but their importance was very restricted (Cliff hirschmann, 1984; Jepson, 1987; Rammah 1988; Rammah and Hirshmann, 1988). 2.3.2 General morphology The morphology of this genus were almost all same the except for some characteristic which usually were very useful for species identification. They were usually sexually dimorphic. Adult female have swollen, saccate bodies (pear shape like body). The size of female ranged in median length 0.44-1.30 mm and width about 0.33-0.70 mm (Eisenback, 1985). They have protrudes neck anteriorly while vulva and anus were located terminally. The female of this genus have pearly white body with moderately thick cuticle. Stylet were short, moderately sclerotized and protrusibly hollow. The stylet size was 10-24ÂÂ µm in length which consists of cone, shaft and knobs. The morphology of the stylet was quite varying between species in this genus. The morphology of stylet should be one of the supplemental characteristic to be observed for species identification. The stylet functions like hypodermic needle which was moved by protractor muscles. The shaped of the cone, shaft, and knobs also differ a mong female species in this genus. At the posterior of stylet knobs, there was dorsal esophageal gland orifices (DEGO). DEGO was the two sub ventral gland orifices open into the esophagus lumen. DEGO had a varied distance among species which also can be supplemental character for species identification. The excretory pore of the Meloidogyne spp. female situated anterior to median bulb valve plat and usually near stylet base. They also have two convoluted genital tracts. The major part of the total body content consists of two gonads which were very long and greatly convoluted. There were ovary with germinal zone and growth zone, narrow oviduct, globular spermatotheca and long uterus in each gonad. Spermatotheca were differing among species. Therefore this character can also be use for species identification. Apart from that, the cuticle in the perineal region of female from this genus forming a finger print-like pattern (the perineal pattern) which also had been use for species iden tification. This is because, the perineal pattern hold most characteristic of female such as tail terminus, phasmids, lateral lines, anus, and vulva which surrounded by cuticular striae or folds. They also have six large unicellular rectal glands situated in the posterior body region. These rectal glands were connected to the rectum. This gland produce very large amount of gelatinous matrix material. This material was excreted through the rectum and act as protective egg sac (Nickle, 1991). Different with the female, male of Meloidogyne sp. are vermiform. The size of the body vary between species which are about 700-2,000 ÂÂ µm (Eisenback, 1985). This is because the varying environmental condition existing during their development. Body of the male usually twisted through 180ÃÅ'Ã…   upon heat relaxation. The male stylet vary in size which are about 13-30 ÂÂ µm. The stylet and head of male from this genus are robust. Apart from that, size and shape of the stylet cone, shaft, and knobs can be use for species identification (Eisenback and Hirschmann, 1981). The location of DEGO is 2-13 ÂÂ µm posterior to the stylet knob base. The isthmus is short and most of the species have ventrally two overlapping gland lobe instead of normally three esophageal nuclei. The hemizonid located at the front to excretory pore. However some species the hemizonid located at the posterior of excretory pore. In normal male there is only one gonad while in sex-reversed males have two gonads. There is long vas deferens packed with developing sperm in the gonad. Among the species, the size of the spicules range from 19 to 40 ÂÂ µm. The spicules usually robust and the bursa are absent. Tail is short (hemispherical shape). There is also variation of tail shape between species (Nickle, 1991). A second stage juvenile was the infective stage of Meloidogyne sp. It has varied body length from 290 to 912ÂÂ µm (Eisenback, 1985). The head of second stage juvenile basically just same with the male. It has a delicate stylet with 8 to 18ÂÂ µm in length. The DEGO distance are varied among species with the distance mostly 2 to 8ÂÂ µm. The esophagus of the second stage juvenile is narrow with faintly outline procorpus. The median bulb is well defined. Median bulb has a large valve plate and three long ventrally overlapping glands that are use for molting and feeding. The second stage juvenile has a varied position of excretory pore. The hemizoid located posteriorly to the pore. The tail length of second stage juvenile varied among species. Usually the length is 15 to 100ÂÂ µm. At the end of the tail there is hyaline terminus. In this genus, second stage juveniles are group base on the tail length and tail shape (Whitehead, 1968; Jepson, 1984). Jepson (1987) showed that differences in either mean tail and or mean hyaline terminus are very large. These vast differences can be very useful to distinguish species within groups (Nickle, 1991). 2.3.3 Life cycle Meloidogyne sp. shows sexually dimorphism, which is the female are pyriform or saccate, while the males vermiform (Eisenback, 1987). The differences in body shaped between female and male occurred during the postembryonic development of Meloidogyne sp.. From the embryonic development, the egg hatched once to become first-stage juvenile and then molted as a second stage juvenile. The second-stage juvenile was infective stage. It moved into the soil and entered the root of suitable host plant. This second-stage juvenile then formed host-parasites relationship with the plant when it find preferred feeding site. The morphology of second-stage juvenile changed to flask-shape as it feeds on the special nurse cell. Then, without further feeding it molted three times into the third and fourth stage juvenile, and finally become an adult. The saccate adult female resumed feeding on the special nurse cell shortly after the last molt and continued to do so for the remainder of her life. The repr oductive system of both female and male of this genus developed into functional gonads during the postembryonic development (Triantaphyllou and Hirschmann, 1960). From the number of the gonad, we can differentiate the sexes. Females always have two gonads while males usually have one. During fourth-stage juvenile, the shape of saccate male juvenile changed to the vermiform adult males. The metamorphosis occurred in which the body elongates from saccate to a vermiform shape. Fully developed male emerges after the final molt of enclosed fourth-stage male which enclosed within the cuticles of second-stage and third-stage. The adult male leaved the root and move freely through the soil and it does not feed. The mode of reproduction determined the function of the male for mating. Depending on particular species reproduction whether amphimixis or parthenogenesis, the male enters the root searching for the female to mate or just remain in the soil and die. Temperature plays a vital role fo r the length of the life cyle. For example, the first adult female of M.incognita on Tomato appear 13-15 days after root penetration at temperature approximately 29 ÃÅ'Ã…  C, the female laid the first egg about 19-21 days after penetration (Triantaphyllou and Hirschmann,1960). The life span of female is much longer than the male from 2 to 3 month. 2.3.4 Effect of Meloidogyne spp. on Tobacco plant Meloidogyne sp. caused formation of galls on Tobacco root. Usually, second stages juvenile entered via behind the root cap which involves mechanical penetration by using stylet (Linford, 1942). According to Bird, (1975), the penetration also involve some enzymatic action (cellulolytic or pectolytic) which secreted by esophageal gland. Then, the second-stage juvenile moved through the cortex to the region of cell differentiation. This differentiation cell was the feeding site for them which later transformed into highly specialized feeding cells called giant cells. This cell was the permanent feeding site for them (Hussey at al., 1994). According to Dropkin (1972) and Hussey (1987), the multinucleate giant cell was the result of the introduction of secretion produced by subventral esophageal gland cells of the feeding second stage juvenile. Giant cells serve as sourced of food. The nutrient from giant cells was transferred to the nematode (Jones and Northcote, 1972). According t o McClure (1977) these cells act as metabolic sink. These giant cells affected the function of the root as it caused extensive distortion and blocked of the vascular tissue which slowed water and nutrient transport. Therefore, the absorption of nutrient and water greatly reduced. Plant growth and yield may be suppressed as photosynthates were mobilized to the giant cells. Above- ground symptoms showed chlorosis of foliage and temporary wilting (premature wilting) when water stress occurred usually during drought or sunny day. Plant was stunted and the leaves were yellow and thin. The formation of gall was due to the root tissues around nematode and giant cells undergo hyperplasia and hyperthrophy. The worse was when secondary larval invasion occurred which caused the gall to coalesce and finally the root begins to decay (Nickle, 1991). Nematode also had the ability to form disease complex with other plant pathogens. The giant cell produced by root-knot nematode was highly suitable f or development of Fusarium wilt ( Porter and Powell, 1967). 2.4 Root lesion, Pratylenchus spp. 2.4.1 Distribution Pratylenchus spp. is migratory endoparasites root-lesion nematodes. This genus was just slightly less economic important compare with Meloidogyne spp. in the tropical and subtropical regions. However, some species from this genus were responsible for significant yield loss in some tobacco cultivation area. Pratylenchus pratensis, P.negletus, P.brachyurus and P.zae have been reported to parasitized tobacco in North America while in South Africa P.hexincisus, P.thornei, P.vulnus, P.brachyurus, P.minyus, and P.zae have recorded on tobacco (Milne, 1961; Honey, 1967). In Hungary, P.pratensis had been reported to parasitize tobacco cultivation. Pratylenchus penetrans was responsible to cause yield loss in Iraq. In some region in Canada, P.penetrans, P.crenatus, and P.neglectus were mostly found in tobacco fields (Mountain, 1954; Kimpinski et. al., 1976). Canter-Vissher (1969) had found Pratylenchus penetrans in New Zealand while Singh (1974) has found Pratylenchus zae in Trinidad. In gener al Pratylenchus brachyurus and P.zae are mostly found in tropical areas while P.penetrans, P.thornei, and P.minyus are common species in temperate regions (Webster, 1972). In Malaysia, this Pratylenchus sp. was locally important. However their distribution were not clearly report (Luc, Sikora et al. 2005). 2.4.2 General morphology In general the morphology of species in this genus was very similar. There was no marked sexually dimorphism in form of anterior region. Adults have body length range from 0.3 to 0.9 mm. Their body was rather stout. Because increasing of uterus volume and the presence of eggs, the gravid females were stouter than nongravid ones. The cuticle of this genus generally thin and shows fine transverse striation. There were four longitudal lines marking the lateral field. However, additional longitudal line may be present in the central zone. Because of cuticle of gravid female were quite stretch, the lateral field was indistinct. The head of this genus was low and flattened with lip region divided into two,three, or four annules. This annules was continuous with the body countour. Cephalic framework of Pratylenchus sp. was heavily sclerotized. The apical anule among most species were round except for P.brachyurus which was angular. There were three types of head structure that can be found under SEM (Corbett and Clark, 1983). The stylet of Pratylenchus sp. were quite short around 11-25 ÂÂ µm. The stylet was stout with well-developed basal knobs. There was tapering procorpus in the pharynx which was usually roundish median bulb. The isthmus was short which overlapped with the anterior end of the mid-intestine on the ventral side. There were three unicellular glands in the lobe. The length of the ventrosublateral was unequal (Seinhorst, 1971). At 2-4 ÂÂ µm behind the stylet base, there was orifice of the dorsal pharyngeal gland duct. There was no deirids in this genus. The oesophagus of both male and female was equally developed. The tail of male was short and dorsally convex-conoid. Female of Pratylenchus spp. are monoprodelph. The genital branch of most species in this genus occurred as a short sac which usually undifferentiated. The uterus of female often tricolumellar (Nickle, 1991). Different with male, female tail usually two to three anal body diameter long. The bisexual species in this genus, have oval or round spermatheca which was filled with sperm (Luc, Sikora et al. 2005). 2.4.3 Life cycle Some species in this genus reproduced sexually while most of them parthenogenetic. This migratory endoparasitic root lesion nematode fed and laid eggs in the root cortex. Most of them can be found in roots, rhizomes, or tubers and somehow can also be found in stem or fruits. Usually after penetrate the root; this endoparasitic nematode will multiply to very large numbers (10,000-35,000 specimens per 10 g of root). All the stage starting from second stage juvenile entered the root. However with unknown reason, they moved in the soil for some time and goes for a new host root. The female laid the eggs in the root and starting from there their whole life cycle is in that root. Usually, the life cycle was completed in 50-60 days (Nickle, 1991). 2.4.4 Effect of Pratylenchus sp. on Tobacco plant Pratylenchus sp. usually moved and fed on the root cortex. This activity caused disintegration of root cortex and leading to browning of the root tissue. This was known as brown root rot (Mountain, 1954). Symptoms of this disease were pruning-root, water soaked, and lesion on the root. If the infection occurred under aseptic conditions the symptoms showed less severe in the certain experimental condition (Mountain, 1954). The above ground symptoms showed that the stunted plant wilt prematurely and in worse condition died. Inagaki and Powell (1969) reported that this genus caused disease complex with the other plant pathogens. Pratylenchus.brachyurus showed to increase infection of Blackshank by wounding the root which served as entry site. 3.0 Material and method: 3.1 Soil sample: 24 soil samples were collected from Terengganu, Perlis and Kelantan state. Collected soil sample were naturally infested with nematodes and Fusarium spp. Soil samples were store in polyethylene bags. Soil sample were kept in moist condition and out of direct sunlight. 3.2 Tobacco seedling preparation: Sterilized seeds were sown to sterile sandy soil. (River sand). After sown, seedlings were kept out of direct sunlight. Fertilizer applied for twice a week via foliar application. After 30 days of nursery tobacco seedlings were transferred to each soil. 3.3 Inoculation of tobacco seedlings: 6 kg of soil samples (naturally infested) were transferred into plastic container (33x22x10 cm) with drains. Then, 30 days of healthy Tobacco seedlings were transferred to each soil container. Each soil samples were planted with 10 Tobacco seedlings. Fertilizer was applied twice a week via foliar application. Ground symptoms were observed everyday. Tobacco plants were all harvested after 6 weeks. 3.4 Plant observation: Harvested Tobacco plants were observed for the disease symptoms, size of the plant, number of leaf, leaf area, plant weight and disease severity index. Wet weight of Tobacco was measured by using a weigher. Plant size was determined by using ruler. Size of the plant was measured from crown up until shoots. Number of leaf was counted including the number of undeveloped leaf. Root gall disease severity index was determined by using following scale: 0= no root galls 1= 1-25% root galls 2= 26-50% root galls 3= 51-75% root galls 4= 75-100% root galls Disease severity index for root lesion was determined by using following index: 0= no root lesion 1= 1-25% root lesions 2= 26-50% root lesions 3= 51-75% root lesions 4= 75-100% root lesions Root then was stored in the FAA (Formaldehyde 100ml, Glacial acetic acid 50ml, Distilled water 850ml) suspension. 3.5 Isolation of nematode from soil samples: Isolation of nematode and soil inhabiting forms were extracted from soil samples by using Modified Baerman Funnel Technique (Hooper,1968; Viglierchio and Schmitt,1983).This was the simplest technique to isolate nematode and soil inhabiting forms. By using this technique we can avoid lack of oxygen and possibility of nematode lodging on the sloping funnel sides due to instead of using funnel we used a shallow dish. For this experiment instead of funnel a round shallow plastic container was used. A supporting gauze was put onto the plastic container with 0.5cm space between them. A milk filter paper with 50cc soil was put on the supporting gauze. Distilled water was added until the material was almost awash. After 5 days, the content of the dish was transfer into test tube. FAA was added to prevent population changes during storage. 3.6 Nematode counting: Nematode suspension collected via Modified Baerman Funnel was shaked. Then, 1ml was taken and transfer onto disposable plastic Petri dish. The number of all nematodes and parasitic nematodes were counted under a dissecting microscope by 5x to 10x magnification. Counting was repeated for three times. Percentage of parasitic nematodes was calculated. 3.7 Isolation of nematode from root: Nematode from root part was isolated by direct isolation. For root-knot nematodes especially female, the root tissue was carefully tease away with forceps and a fine needle to release the head and neck. Infected plant part was put onto slide and squash to check for the existence of nematode. The nematode then was stain with Phyloxine 1%. 3.8 Isolation of Fusarium spp. The root part was washed with running tap water to eliminate remaining soil particle. Then, the root was cut including healthy part (0.5cm). After that, the pieces of root were dipped in 70% ethanol for 1 minute. Then, the pieces were transferred into 5% sodium Hypochlorite solution to sterilize its surface for 3 to 5 minutes. The pieces then were transferred to sterilized distill water to rinse the pieces for 3 times each for 1 minute. After that, the plant pieces was put on sterile filter paper to eliminate excess water and then, were put on the acidified water agar medium. Finally, the dishes were sealed with parafilm and were incubated for a few days. Growing colonies were observed. 3.9 Soil pH: The soil pH was determined using a soil suspension (Rowell, 1994). 10 ÂÂ ± 0.1 gram of air dry soil sample was used in this experiment. 25 ml of water was added to the soil sample. Then, soil suspension was shacked occasionally by hand over 15 minutes period. The pH meter was calibrated at pH 4 and then pH 7 consistent reading. The soil suspensions were stirred and insert the electrodes. The pH was recorded after 30 second. 3.10 Soil moisture percentage: The water content of soils was determined by drying soil samples at 105 ÃÅ'Ã…  c (Rowell, 1994). For this experiment, soil samples were air dry for two days. Then, weight air dry soil samples for 10ÂÂ ±0.1 gram (W1). Instead of using a moisture can, aluminums foil was used. The aluminum foil was weighed (Wo). Then, weighed soil samples were put on the aluminum foil and placed them in an oven at 105 ÃÅ'Ã…  C for 24 hour. The weigh of soil sample with aluminum foil was weighed (W2). To calculate the weight of soil samples after oven dry the following formulae was applied: Weight oven dry soil (W3) = (W1+Wo)-W2 To calculate moisture percentage of soil samples, the following formulae was use: Moisture percentage (%) = W3/ (W2-Wo) x 100 3.11 Soil particle density: Determination of soil particle density involves the measurement of the volume of a known mass of particles. The soil is dispersed in water and all the air is expelled from the suspension. In a known volume of suspension the volume occupied by the particles is then found (Rowell, 1994). A clean and dry 50ml volumetric flask including stopper was weigh (Wo). Ten grams of oven dry soil samples were added into the volumetric flask. The volumetric flask was filled with distilled water until one-half full. The volumetric flask (without stopper) then was put in boiling water heating with a water bath for 30 minutes and gently agitated the content to prevent loss of soil by foaming. The volumetric flask and its content then cooled to room temperature. Distilled water was added up to the 50 ml mark. Water drop on the outer-side of the volumetric flask was wiped, insert the stopper and weighed (W2). The soil particle density was determined by using the following formulae: Soil particle density (Dp) = Soil mass/Particle volume Particle volume = Conical flask volume volume of water in flask Volume of water in flask = mass of suspension -mass of soil Mass of suspension = W2-W0 3.12 Soil texture analysis: Texture of soil samples were determined by using Hydrometer method (Bouyoucos, 1962; Page, 1982). Then, texture of soil samples determined by referring to USDA Textural triangle after calculation of the percentage of each particle (Brady, 1984). For this experiment, 50g of soil samples were placed into 600 ml beaker. Then, 100 ml of 6% hydrogen peroxide was added to decompose the organic matter. The mixture was kept remaining at room temperature overnight. After that, the beaker was placed on a hot plate at 90 ÃÅ'Ã…   C for 10 minutes. Then, 50ml of 1N Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (dispersing agent) was added to the suspension and increase the volume to 400 ml with distilled water. The suspension was left for 20 minutes. Then, beaker was placed on a stirrer and stirred thoroughly for 10 minutes. The suspension was transferred to 1000 ml measuring cylinder. Then, distilled water was added to 1000 ml mark. Suspension was allowed to equilibrate thermally and the temperature was recorded. Mo uth of the measuring cylinder was covered with a parafilm and inverted for several times until the contents are thoroughly mixed. Mixture was left in a cool, shaded place. Then, the hydrometer was immediately into the suspension and reading was taken after 40 seconds until consistent reading. Hydrometer was removed and cleaned. The temperature of the suspension was recorded with thermometer. The thermometer was removed and remixes the suspension. Then, let the cylinder sit for 2 hours. At exactly 2 hours later, the hydrometer was again placed into the suspension and data was read. The temperature of the suspension was also seconded with thermometer. The actual reading must be corrected in order to get revised value depending upon the actual temperature. a. Add 0.36 g/L to hydrometer reading for each degree >20 ÃÅ'Ã…  C b. Subtract 0.36 g/L from hydrometer reading for each c. Density reading should also be corrected from the density of the dispensing solution (NaOH+ distilled water) without soil. These reading are must be subtract with the soil solution density reading. Finally, after calculating the percentage of each particle, use the USDA Textural triangle to determine the textural class of soil samples. Readings from specific gravity hydrometer was converted to soil g/l by using converting table ( Table 3.1 Hydrometer converting table Specific Gravity Grams Soil/L Specific Gravity Grams Soil/L Specific Gravity Grams Soil/L 1.0024 0.0 1.0136 18.0 1.0247

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sequels and phobias in The Return of the Soldier of Rebecca West :: Rebecca West

Times of war and peace: Sequels and phobias in The Return of the Soldier of Rebecca West. Rebecca West (1892-1983) was a prolific writer who tried every literary genre; journalism, literary critique, the short story and the novel. Her first novel The Return of the Soldier published in 1918 spans half a century of creative output culminated in 1966 with her last novel The Birds Fall Down. However, all her narrative is easily identifiable because of her unmistakable style, the structure of her novels, the topics she chooses and the coherence of her ideas about mankind and society. Subsequently, all her novels are psychological, historical and social documents depicting human behavior in a precise historical and social context. West synthesizes what she observes rooting her ideas in British literary tradition. Her keen critical eye is both penetrating and enlightening, for example, when in The Return of the Soldier, Margaret Grey appears poorly dressed daring to invade the Baldry mansion with her mud covered boots, while Jenny, the narrator, expresses crude feelings of resentment towards Margaret and her social group. The latter is represented: ‘... as the rich hate the poor, as insect things that will struggle out of the crannies which are their decent home, and introduce ugliness to the light of day’ (West, 1918, rpt.1984: 32)1. West’s literary reputation was revived in the 1980s with the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Her Black Lamb and Grey Falcon; A Journey through Yugoslavia (1941) brought her wide critical attention because this novel was the last of her efforts to understand the pre-war situation. Furthermore, it was central to West’s next book, The Meaning of Treason (1947), where she concentrated on the psychological characteristics of traitors and she wondered what caused these people to do what they did—for West, war fosters deception and betrayal. The final example of West’s interest in treason is her novel The Birds Fall Down (1966) which concludes with the deaths of both the traitor and the friend he betrayed and in The Return of the Soldier, a study of the sequels of war in human mind, the protagonist is betrayed by his family. In the aforementioned novel, West employs what at the time was an original device, amnesia from war trauma or ‘shell shock’ as well as an unusual perspective on war—that of those who waited at home. West tries to explore the reactions of three women to a returning soldier who, though married, remembers only an earlier love for another woman. In spite of its obvious literary quality, The Return of the Soldier proved to be a novel severely punished by critics.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Speckled Band and the Man with the Twisted Lip :: Speckled Band Twisted Lip Compare Essays

The Speckled Band and the Man with the Twisted Lip In the beginning of the story, The Speckled Band, a young woman arrived at Sherlock Holmes house at quarter past seven in the morning, with a very urgent matter that she needed to talk to him about. The matter being that the young woman, Miss Helen Stoner, is fearful for her life, because her sister, Miss Julia Stoner died in the usual circumstances such as she died two weeks before her wedding. She died in her room, and before she died, she would regularly hear low whistling and low metallic clanging noises at around three in the morning. Miss Julia Stoner died in her own room, where there was no chance of anybody getting in because her door was locked from the inside every night and the windows were crammed by old fashion shutters with broad iron bars. We learn that the windows were tightly shut, like an old-fashioned house, like a prison, nowhere to escape. This prepares us by telling us that no one could get through by the windows. This adds to the atmosphere of that there is fear and a need of protection. The walls were completely solid. The flooring of Miss Julia Stoner’s room was also solid, with no trap doors or openings. The chimney, also being wide in size, but was barred by four large staples. So it was usual that she died the way she did, because it is obvious now that no was in her room when she died. And the reason why Miss Helen Stoner worries for her life is that Helen is experiencing the same circumstances of which her sister, Miss Julia Stoner, experienced before her death. And because Miss Helen Stoner was worried, her life might end the way her sisters did, she came straight away to Sherlock Holmes as she felt he could help her, in her time of need. While Miss Helen Stoner was telling Sherlock Holmes her dilemma, Sherlock Holmes says, â€Å"Mrs. Hudson has the good sense to light the fire† This sets off the atmosphere as being cosy and comfortable, because the fire has been lit, warmth and light is given off, where they all can relax a little now that the fire is providing warmth and light. It also gives off a masculine atmosphere because Holmes states that Mrs. Hudson had, â€Å"good sense to light the fire†, as if he is trying to imply that it is odd that a woman has enough common sense to light the fire, as if he is belittling women. Trying to say that men are smart enough to know to light a fire, but if a woman does it, she has â€Å"good

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bio 111: Ch. 1 Quiz

o/ > Chapter 01 Quiz Started onSaturday, September 8, 2012, 05:46 PM Completed onSaturday, September 8, 2012, 05:57 PM Time taken11 mins 17 secs Grade9. 00 out of a maximum of 10. 00 (90%) Question 1 Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text Many insects do not see into the red color-range and as a result, many insect-pollinated flowers are colors other than red (e. g. , purple and yellow). This flower coloration would be considered a Select one: a. adaptation. b. gene. c. DNA. d. evolution. e. natural selection. Feedback The correct answer is: adaptation.. Question 2 Correct Mark 1. 0 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text Kevin is studying predator-prey interactions. One day he notices a spider eating a cricket caught in its web. Later that day, a bird eats the spider. How many populations are included in his study? Select one: a. 2 b. 0 c. 3 d. 1 e. 4 Feedback The correct answer is: 3. Question 3 Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text The p rocess of _____________________ transforms solar energy into chemical energy. Select one: a. homeostasis b. metabolism c. photosynthesis d. reproduction e. respiration Feedback The correct answer is: photosynthesis. Question 4Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text In science, a theory Select one: a. cannot be tested. b. is held to be an absolutely correct answer to a question. c. encompasses many hypotheses. d. is tested by an experiment. e. is more narrow in scope than a hypothesis. Feedback The correct answer is: encompasses many hypotheses.. Question 5 Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text A pond ecosystem includes small water fleas which feed on submerged aquatic plants. When the water fleas die, they sink to the bottom of the pond and where they decompose with the help of bacteria.List in order the producer, decomposer, and consumer in this system. Select one: a. bacterial, aquatic plants, water fleas b. aquatic plants, bacteria, water fleas c. aquatic plants, water fleas, bacteria d. water fleas, bacteria, aquatic plants e. bacteria, water fleas, aquatic plants Feedback The correct answer is: aquatic plants, bacteria, water fleas. Question 6 Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text The various species of honeycreepers have an assortment of different bills, but all species have a similar size and body shape. This is an example of Select one: . descent with modification. b. adaptations. c. DNA. d. taxonomy. e. homeostasis. Feedback The correct answer is: descent with modification.. Question 7 Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text Populations of amphibians, including frogs and toads, have been plagued by disease and high rates of deformity. A recent study investigated whether problems among the populations have arisen due to poisons from chemicals associated with agriculture. Biologists from the University of Florida collected local adult cane toads (Bufomarinus) from more t han 20 different locations.Toads were collected from areas close to agriculture; both large-scale and small-scale farms as well as from suburbs. At collection sites where 50-97% of the adjacent land was farmed, males showed high levels of feminization. Feminized male toads were similar in color to females and had lower levels of testosterone and often also deformed gonads. These changes can lead to sterile males or changes in behavior that prevent mating from occurring. In this study, what is the genus of the study animal? Select one: a. cane toad b. Bufomarinus c. marinus d. amphibian e. Bufo Feedback The correct answer is: Bufo. Question 8Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text Domain _______________ includes both unicellular and multicellular organisms. Select one: a. Eukarya b. Plantae c. Bacteria d. Fungi e. Protista Feedback The correct answer is: Eukarya. Question 9 Correct Mark 1. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text The smallest unit of life is a Select one: a. specie. b. tissue. c. organism. d. cell. e. organ. Feedback The correct answer is: cell.. Question 10 Incorrect Mark 0. 00 out of 1. 00 Flag question Question text Which of the following terms is not correctly matched with a correct example? Select one: a. mosquito feeding on a human host – community b. a rock garden with various plants and rocks of different sizes – ecosystem c. a spider – organism d. a herd of wildebeest – population e. a tropical rainforest – community Feedback The correct answer is: a tropical rainforest – community. Finish review Skip Quiz navigation Quiz navigation Question 1 This page Question 2 This page Question 3 This page Question 4 This page Question 5 This page Question 6 This page Question 7 This page Question 8 This page Question 9 This page Question 10 This page Finish review You are logged in as Moore Sarah (Logout) 2012FA-BIO-111-IX7

Restaurant Review Essay

Review of chinaware snack bar RestaurantI am a food fill issuer, and I enjoyed course in a Chinese restaurant. I tried un deal restaurants in our place, merely what interests me to the highest degree is the china Buffet Restaurant. china Buffet is located at capital of Wisconsin Avenue at the heart of Mankato, one and only(a) of the biggest cities in Minnesota. The restaurant has a s feeding room capacity of approximately 100 people. They prolong several food stations. Although the name China Buffet speaks for itself, their food stations constitute of American, Italian, and Japanese food. The owner purposely includes a contour of food because of competition. I enjoyed eating at China Buffet because of its affordability, delightful food, and the beautiful setting. The price of their buffet is $10 per person, and it includes beverages. There are a variety of salads in their salad station fruit, vegetable, and seafood. Their main repast is composed of chicken, pork, beef , and fish. For dessert, they serve ice cream, cookies, and incompatible kinds of cakes. For their beverages, they serve soda, milk, juice, and chocolate milk, but tea is my favorite. The food is excellent so its healthy worth the price.China Buffets food is excellent and healthy. They sacrifice food stations for meat lovers and vegetarians. Their newly-opened sushi and grill bar is the restaurants invest glory. Sushi and California maki is my starter with matching wasabi sauce. I tried their hibachi too, but it fills me up right away. The seafood station is consisting of shrimp, crab meat, peag and mussels. They have different kinds of shrimp meal. I tried their crispy shrimp which was coat with flour and egg and some seasoning. I love the crispiness of its shell and the effeminacy of the shrimps meat. Their chicken satay blends well with fried rice. Their Happy Family meal that is commonality in the Chinese restaurant is so sexually attractive. They call it Happy Family because it has chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, and mixed vegetables stir-fried in soy sauce and sugar. When it comes to dessert, they have different kinds of ice cream, but I love Butter Pecan the most because of its softness and creaminess. I cant sustain but to look around at the restaurants attractive standard pressure while I am eating.A typical Chinese restaurant, there were Chinese pictures hanging, but I love the great picture of the Great Wall of China. From afar, it looks like a mural engraved on the restaurants wall. The hanging lamp gives rage and serenity of the area. Their utensils and drink dispensers are unionized and the carpet is very modify. They have a huge fish tank where most of the children are enjoying watching the fish. The ladies room is clean and odor free.China Buffet dexterity not be the best Chinese Restaurant in Minnesota, but it stands out from other Chinese restaurants because its cheap. Its inexpensive price attracts customers to give it a try. Their delicious food is so inviting. The cozy standard pressure makes it a perfect place to eat and bond with a family.This week, I cogitate on improving my draft thesis statement, organization, developing my conclusion, and correcting grammar and comma errors. I omitted the one-third person in my first divide to demonstrate that my primary audience is my Professor. I take in aloud my search and raise some grammatical errors. I read my Professors comments and edited my essay by following what she had written in the comments. I followed Smarthinkings editing advice on grammar and comma errors.